We were going to discuss Rahm’s bribe today, but I’ll save that for

tomorrow. Over the weekend a KKK racist shot three people dead

(Old racist fuck)

at a Jewish community center. For shits sake. He was a “Ron Paul

Republican Libertarian”. Forget two the victims were CHRISTAN

You can’t fix fucking stupid. Fucking stupid is ‘forever’. What evil

73 year old Frazier Glenn Cross a known white supremacist and a

former Ku Klux Klan leader is arrested. From now on we will just

refer to him as “tiny dick fuckbucket”. It seems ‘TDFB’ founded a

group called,  The “White Patriot Party”. Gee, that sounds exactly

like the tea party, who uses that word “Patriot”, every damn time

It’s no shock the entire Republican party has a systemic problem

with racism. It’s not news. But see, racists really hate it when any

(same hate, different signs)

body CALLS OUT their racism. They shout racist right back as if

it’s some “racist off” where they can muddy the waters enough to

claim, “Well see, we’re both racist then”. NO, what you ‘said/did’

was racist. A person pointing out overt racism doesn’t magically

absorb their views. If it were like that, then busting someone for

murder, would make the person a murder. It’s batshitcrazy, and

don’t expect logic from racists. They hold none, or teeth, or IQ’s,

or a 3rd graders grasp of history, or clean clothes, or a ‘sense’ of

(Republicans see it)

shame, or anything internally that states they’re a ‘human being’

NY-Democratic Rep Steve Israel, exactly stated that, on Sunday:

“To a very significant extent, the Republican base
does have elements that are animated by racism”

Expect Bigot Batshit FOX to erupt, covering everyone in bullshit

Don’t Ever Touch Ben Stein’s Money!

It seems poor Ben Stein ‘can’t handle’ this needy welfare state we

(No, too lazy!)

have. In fact, he thinks poor people are poor because they’re lazy:

“My humble observation is that most long-term poverty is caused by
self-sabotage by individuals. Drug use, drunkenness. Having children
without a family structure. Gambling. Poor work habits. Disastrously
unfortunate appearance. Above all, and counted in the preceding list,
psychological problems (including basic laziness) cause people to be
unemployed, have poor or no work habits & enter and stay in poverty”

In my humble opinion Ben hasn’t studied history at all. See it ends

badly for Ben, & the top 2%. How much basic ‘fraud’ is there in our

welfare programs? How many people are gaming the system in the

food stamps program? 1.3% of the people on SNAP or food stamps

commit fraud. A USDA study found this to be true. But, who cares

about facts, reality or the real reason for poor folks? All Ben knows

for sure is it’s not “income inequality”. It’s cause they’re all fuckups

(Lazy? Lazy?)

Remember when I said this ends badly? If you rig a system/a game

the “player” IE, the Citizen gets very angry when they discover this

It’s called the French Revolution Ben. See, all those “Lazy, Godless,

Drunks” can now magically build “excellent” functioning ‘guillotines’

Ben also doesn’t seem to get the ‘1st amendment’ at all which is a

clear Separation Of Church & State. He wants more ‘God’ in public:

“Maybe, just maybe, if we let God back into the public forum
it would help. I have seen spiritual solutions work miracles”

Funny how outright Corruption, cheating, lying, Hate, & hypocrisy

from “Religious” types like Ben, rub others the wrong way. Well, it

(super moron!)

isn’t very pretty when you “blame” the losers you made losers, Ben

So if your “rape victims” were less rapeable you’d control yourself?

Tomorrow: Right Wing Tea Party Show Down At Bundy Ranch

Have a day!

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