Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of the Boston Bombing

(Yes they are)

It wasn’t sad, it’s wasn’t hateful & it wasn’t terrible. It was strong

It was remembering the “three people who died” including a boy

Well, the stories are “inspiring” and even the Chicago White Sox

decided to don Boston Strong t-shirts in warm ups for last nights

game. No matter if we believe it or not, we are all in this together

We all want the same things: love, peace, happiness, the future to

be so bright you have to wear shades, & enjoying time with family

It makes you think. Well you, for me, I’m a moron with my pants

at my ankles on most good days. But for you & the rest of citizens

(stand together)

of good will. We will all remember, never forget & will stay strong

Sorry the Red Sox didn’t win. My White Sox won in the bottom of

the 9th 2-1. AJ got a standing O as usual. So the South Side stood

with the great people of Boston in all remembering, & moving on

Al Bundy & The Right Wing Hate Conspiracy Rodeo

Holy shit these people are literally “Batshitcrazy” and need some

some mental help. See, now you have the entire right wing freak

(“Go long morons!”)

out bullshit factory now peddling a ‘false outright conspiracy lie’

See, this is the entire right wing of today. When ‘facts’ don’t ever

support all their detached insane lies just make up more of them

They are All screaming, “Democratic Senator Harry Reid, and a

Chinese company building a solar plant are behind the standoff”

Well, Harry Reid, & his son DID work to create a “billion dollar”

deal for solar power. But nowhere NEAR the land Bundy is now

grazing on & they pulled the plug on the project in June of 2013

Oooooooooooooooooops. Something tells me Cliven really hates

(Oath Keepers again)

all the gumberment handouts & welfare. Yet he has NO problem

‘using government resources’ that he must pay fees & won’t. Sad

No matter how much these idiots bray on; free grazing = welfare

This ends so badly for Cliven Bundy & his band of “Armed Fools”

Make no mistake, if you violate court orders, and then decide to

match those federal agents enforcing it with an, “Armed Militia”

They’ll all find themselves in jail convicted of treason or sedition

The government will try him in Federal Court, & “bleed him out”

Tomorrow: Ukraine Trouble, & Rahm’s Bullshit Hotel Bribe

Have a day!

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