It seems, today’s Republican party is not in the “mood” to pass
any laws. Really, aside from undoing “all things Obama” (even
(yes we are)
the shit they like) they’re not doing a thing. They are the worst
Congress in United States history. Let that sink in for moment
Now comes a minimum wage debate. Forget that it is not ‘even’
a debate. Millionaires (the people Republican’s are claiming to
be defending) said we should ‘raise’ taxes & the minimum wage
But you say, “No way John, but how many think this?!?!”. Well
it’s 64% that say raise taxes, & 63% that say raise the minimum
wage. I bash the wealthy plutocrats here often but this is a time
when they must be praised for their wonderfully, economically
(no shit)
sound, American views. Shit, when the middle class, & poor do
well, so do those titans of industry. Then the question becomes
who are those 36-37% who don’t want it?!?!? Oh, that would be
the Koch’s/Adelson/the modern Republican PAC donor classes
Every Republican only serves them. If you vote R you vote them
Crist-Republican Party Has “Intolerable Racism”
Former Republican Florida Governor Charlie Crist just ‘left’ the
Republican party. Well, he left in 2010, but his MAIN reason?!?
Racism. He bluntly said that racism is a “big reason” why he left
“Anti-women, anti-minority, anti-women, anti-gay, anti-education,
anti-environment…I saw the activists and what they were doing, it
was intolerable to me…(all Republican Leadership) went off a cliff”
Now, was Crist doing this because he saw the tide turned and he
lost to Marco Rubio? OF COURSE he did. Politician’s only worry
about THEIR hide first. But, it doesn’t change the fact he’s right
Before he’d go to bed knowing he’s a lying, cheating, sack of shit
Now, he’s just less of a lying, cheating, sack of shit being a big D
Republican’s have the usual response of “good riddance”, or the
“He wasn’t one of us anyway”, or my favorite, “He was a RINO!!”
(yes it is)
Doesn’t matter, they reject all reality. Good thing reality does not
reject them. Soon they will all be yelling it with only 5 people left
The clown car rolls on, deep into the night never to be seen again
Have a day!