Openly gay player Michael Sam, was drafted over the past
weekend making him the 1st openly gay player in the NFL
(big moment)
He was the 249th overall pick. That’s 7th from the bottom
And, the main reason? He had one bad combine, one good
And him being gay didn’t help with certain teams no doubt
But that’s not the biggest pushback from him being picked
It was “The Kiss”. That evil, sloppy, vile, disgustingly WET
smooch. Of course, it wasn’t all those things. It was simply
what everyone else drafted does, kissing their girlfriend, or
spouse, or mom’s, hugging, & celebrating. There is no such
thing as straight kiss, or a gay kiss. It is simply…a kiss. And
the world reacted. Most good, & some very bad. Miami guy
Don Jones tweeted “Horrible”. He was fined, deleted it and
apologized for it. Then ex-running back Derrick Ward said:
“National tv is disgusting. Gay or not. Man U got lil kids lookin
at the draft. I can’t believe ESPN even allowed this to happen”
Stay classy religious bigot nutter! He went to the St. Louis
Rams, who got a hell of a player. Their coach, ex-Bear Jeff
Fischer knows Defense, & likes the quality player they got!
It was a historic moment, one that makes the haters HATE
(< ignorance)
and the best in society smile. Afterall only love will rule the
day. And to tiny, sad, smallminded bigoted people; it stings
The Sterling Turd
When racists get caught for being overtly what they are, it’s
time to lie, & pretend THIS was the only time. Umm, no all
(pity me)
you bigoted fuckwits. You own it. Ol’ Donald decided to try
the usual “Non-Apology Apology” right on que with bullshit
“I’m not a racist. I made a terrible mistake.
I’m here to apologize. Am I entitled to one
mistake, am I after 35 years? I mean, I love
my league, I love my partners. Am I entitled
to one mistake?!?!? It’s a terrible mistake, &
I’ll never do it again. I caused the problem.
I don’t know how to correct it”
That’s not an apology to the minorities he hurts. He made an
excuse of, “I am sorry I got caught owners, let it slide!”. He is
an unapologetic racist asshole. If he’s truly sorry then sell the
team, & donate HALF of the profits, to racial equality. THEN
and only then could he ever be believed. Until then…..just go
(Donald’s life)
off, & die old man. He’s a big sterling turd now flushed down
the toilet of life. Enjoy the ride, & make sure to spray after it!
Tomorrow: Benham Bros, & The Face Of Nigerian Terrorism
Have a day!