Boko Haram & Twin Turds

May 14th, 2014

When I say “Boko Haram”, what comes to your mind?!?!?

God bless you?!?!? Or what Jay-Z yelled when Solange hit


him in the elevator? It turns out there is a “group” of these

religious extremist assbags in Nigeria who kidnapped 200

school girls. Ohhhhh, that’s royally fucked up. They are an

Islamic Extremist Salafi-jihadi group. What a collection of

fuckwits. We should help in anyway possible to bring these

200 girls from their hate. Extremism can take many forms

And all of it is “bad”. Including trying to sell these girls into

(Shekau asshole)

slavery. Nothing worse than minorities, now abusing other

minorities. What a big collection of: armed, bigoted, idiotic

shitbags. Cliven Bundy, & Boko Haram got a lot in common

Theocratic Twin Turds

Two Anti-gay, Anti-Muslim, xenophobic HGTV hosts David

& Jason Benham never got their ‘show’ off the ground. Most

(anti-gay gays?)

people don’t like to watch bigoted assholes renovate houses,

or pick out granite counter tops. If that were the case, they’d

have to change the tile to “Flip-Off This House”. Poor “guys”

are oppressed right?!?! Nope, they’re bad for business in big

market who’s audience is made up of different social, sexual,

& economic viewers. They will complain, “But you’re all now

discriminating against our ability to discriminate”. Um, NO,

you can discriminate if you like, but it does not ensure you a


job for being an asshole. Meh, there arguments are sooooooo

bad it has now become this: We wont tolerate your tolerance

Ahem, no, the world won’t tolerate your intolerance. Suck it!

Tomorrow: Dumbfuck Harry Reid Defends Billionaire Ass

Have a day!

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