Climate Change Schmimate Change

November 13th, 2014

These past mid-terms were the lowest voter

turn out since 1942. What was going on that

Obama with china leader & Kerry(“Let’s get it done”)

caused that again?!?! Oh right, World War 2

Obama, met with Xi Jinping, leader of China

They came to agreement on “climate change”

Now, what was the entire Republican party’s

views on Climate Change action? Well, it was

that they didn’t want to “go it alone” & would

need the China’s, & India’s of the world to do

it. Well I ASSUME they are all happy to have

China now on board right? Ahhhhhhhhhh no

Apparently(“Apparently, they suck”)

You might have Republican’s confused with a

guy who’s reasonable or remotely gives a fuck

Forget that they don’t know anythin about the

specific policy offered. Well, we do know it all

“Under the agreement, the United States would cut its
2005 level of carbon emissions by 26-28% before the
year 2025. China would peak its carbon emissions by
2030, and will also aim to get 20% of its energy from
zero-carbon emission sources by the same year/2025

That sound pretty fair. We will be at 26%, and

They will be clean at 20%. It’s pretty close, but

you can be sure Republican’s won’t accept this

nor discuss the specifics. Expect them to “LIE”

& drum beat lies rather than govern. They DO

obstructionism(Burn it all)

NOT CARE. They never fucking will. And they

already started the lies by claiming “China will

not even start until 2030!”. No, by 2025 they’ll

be using 20% clean energy you fucking morons

Again, this is not enough IMHO, & seems to be

only a ‘start’ but all Republicans reject progress

NOTE: The Michael Brown grand jury verdict
will likely be coming within the next two days

Have a day!

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