Even Scalia Blasts Ferguson…

December 1st, 2014

Hope you had a goobleriffic weekend, & survied

“Black Eye Friday”. Well things are still sadly all

odenkirkcover(Better call Saul!)

about Ferguson today. And the entire process of

the Grand jury was “botched” intentionally from

the beginning. Shit even Scallia Bot 2000 said it:

“Neither in this country nor in England has the suspect
under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought
to a right to testify/have exculpatory evidence presented”

Pretty, clear, shit. Wilson should NOT have ever

even testified, let alone have “heresay” evidence

Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, “knows exactly” how

Grand Jurys work. He simply choose to ignore it

Bob-McCulloch-Prosecutor-Ferguson-Michael-Brown-620x408(King Asshole)

It would be like saying “Oh, the thing you are all

supposed to do…meh, fuck that noise. Do THIS!”

The only reason he would ignore the rules & just

present such evidence is to reduce the chances of

ANY “Grand Jury indictment”, of Darren Wilson,

period. Forget grand juries almost always indict,

and that Bob McCulloch ‘tanked this’ on purpose

throwin the case. A grand jury could indict a ham

Bad Lawyers(We know)

sandwich….not a white cop who killed a black kid

And until that changes, no rational citizen should

be able to sleep well at night. It’s systemic racism

And it will now be purged from all offices of power

NOTE: More Blind Hate From Republican Staffer

Have a day!

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