Hey all, hope your holidays kicked so much ass
yours is “broken”. After all, there is a crack in it
right?!? I’m back baby, & ready for 2015 but 1st
we must look back on 2014 with all its craziness
Who were the folks that ‘shaped it’, that made it
maddening, or were just the “mega big assholes”
Let’s start with the villains that were clearly bad:
-Cliven “Mega Racist” Bundy
-Tom “I’m An Economic Sociopath” Perkins
-Michael “I Kill Black Kids” Dunn
-South Dakota Republican state Sen. Phil Jensen
-Minnesota Republican Pat Garofalo
-Donald “Bigot Boy” Sterling
-Paula “Bigot Buttery” Dean
-Phil “Suck Dynasty” Robertson
-Mychal “Black Face” Massie
-Blackstone CEO Steve “Evil Prick†Schwartzman
-Islamhaters Frank Gaffney & Brigitte Gabriel
-FOX News For Creating A 24-7 BS Hate Cycle
-Democrat Andrew Cuomo Corruption
-Adam “Ayn Rand Jr.” Carolla
-Ben “Look I’m A Racist” Stein
-Rudy “No, I’m A Bigger Racist” Giuliani
-All The “Coal Rolling” Morons
-ISIS, ISIL/Religious Terrorism
-Darren “Holy Bigot Murderer” Wilson
-Chris “Hey, I Love To Lie” Christie
-Democrats Running In The Mid-terms
-Nikkki “Love The Confederate Flag” Haley
And now, after seeing a list of Silly Idiot Fuckos,
let’s move on to some good people. The “Hero’s”:
-Christopher Ross Michael-Martinez
-Mark Lane (Boarding Immigrants)
-Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins
-Pamela “I Like To Get High” Raintree
-Guardians Of The Galaxy(OK, I cheated)
-Peaceful Protest for Ferguson/Immigration/Etc
-Wole Soyinka (Great playwright)
-Pen Farthing (Gets soldiers stray dogs & cats)
-Innes Bowen (Radio hero espousing tolerance)
-Our Brave Soldiers Serving Everywhere
-Any Voice Speaking For Fairness/Equality
We better ‘all’ work on the Hero’s list. Yes, I also
left many off. If you have a “hero” that you think
deserves to be on it the list, e-mail me to put em
on it. Rock your days and remember: Never play
leap frog with a unicorn. Hey………it’s good advice
NOTE: The Bears suck so bad they got the 7th
overall pick. They also fired Emery & Tresman
Now just fire Turd Philips and we have a start
NOTE II: Neil DeGrasse Tyson ‘Tweets’ are so
the best ever in the history of forever; read em
Have a day!
December 28th, 2024 - 6:16 am
Wow, what a throwback! 2014 definitely had its fair share of unforgettable characters. It’s hard to believe some of these “villains” made such an impact, but they definitely shaped the year. Whether they were causing chaos, making headlines for all the wrong reasons, or just acting downright outrageous, they sure left their mark. Let’s dive in and see who topped the list of mega big assholes. 2015 better bring some better vibes, right?