I’m back baby! It’s 2015, so let’s all bring the mega funk
It seems that even FOX Noise can’t argue against reality
But ohhh boy how they book “snake oil salesman” to try
FOX recently booked “token professorial friend” and the
economist Peter Morici to spew lies about the minimum
wage. Forget nothing he said is true, what does the truth
matter when you can just say silly shit, & never be called
on it?!?!?! Dumbass Delight thinks raising the minimum
wage would kill jobs. Ahhhhhh no. it wouldn’t. They ALL
use the same historically failed “Supply Side” Bullshit, to
try to debunk reality. No, it doesn’t work like that. Never
will, but it won’t stop the batshitcrazy liars from all lying
Raising the minimum wage only effects “business’s” that
aren’t sound today, running on a flawed financial model
More $ in the pockets of consumers, means more buyers
Always had, always will. But never let facts, & reality get
in the way of bullshit fantasy. What “crazy, lying, losers”
FOX isn’t “news”, it’s a lying fear propaganda shit show
NOTE: Hope your holidays rocked ass, you got some
important down time, & had Fun with family. We all
did, and I miss it already so badly. Go rock your 2015
NOTE II: Republican, Michael The Balcony Thrower”
Grimm, will be resigning because he’s a fucking felon
Have a day!