State Senator Mocks Women…

February 18th, 2015

In today’s installment of “Republicans say horrible shit”

we have South Carolina Republican Thomas Ass Corbin

Thomas Corbin idiot(Super idiot!)

Who “decided” to say to fellow member of the chambers

a great GOP’er Katrina Shealy in a big discussion over a

pending criminal domestic violence (CDV) bill that she’s

“A lesser cut of meat”. Wait, WTF?!?!?!? Yes you heard it

right. But it does not stop there. Oh fuck no. That was his

response to her sayin’ “Where do you get off” after fatass

said “See it only took me 2 years to get you wearin’ shoes”

Referring to being, “Barefoot and Pregnant”. You honestly

Thomas Coribin super ass(The blob)

can not even make this shit up. Someone needs to tell the

Republican’s it’s 2015, and not 1945. Meh, they’re the big

comedy gift that keeps on giving. Wish it weren’t so much

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Stepping Down

It seems Jon’s run is over. I want to weigh in and be clear

He simply made a clarion call to all “comedians” that WE


can tell the truth better than, “Partisan Corporate Media”

See, they Suck, & have failed at their jobs for the past 40

years. If they didn’t suck so badly, & actually all correctly

informed us citizens with the facts, we wouldn’t have any

material really. FOX provides epic lies daily and CNN or

MSNBC tries but they only pick narratives that help their

message, or sometimes get way too lazy about the facts in

favor of pounding home a message. After 16 Great Years,

Jon0211ART(Much hardware)

all I can say is Thank you. Thank you, to the great writers

and amazing actors for all the laughs. And if you’re lookin’

for a replacement, just try me or maybe Olivia Munn. Do it

NOTE: Mega Bigass Explosion At Exxon Planet In SoCal
Tomorrow: The Evil Bad Terrorist Attack In Copenhagen

Have a day!

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