Chicago’s Mayoral election is now officially a run off
Yesterday I was sick as dog. 102 fever & terrible cold
But, work called & I had to edit for a bit so I did. The
reason I tell you that isn’t to brag, but to explain why
I did not post yesterday. I also voted. And you know,
it was not for Rahm. He is simply a right leaning Re-
publican. Guts, & cuts public schools, pensions, and
Social Programs. BUT ups charter schools, and any
thing business break he’ll pull for(tax cuts). Not my
guy. We shall see what is what in the run off in April
Maybe April Fools, & maybe not. Clear message sent
Oscars UnCommonly Great
South Side Native Common, & John Legend decided
to use their awards for social conscience; and, it was
perfect. They called on all Americans, to accept OUR
racial/social/sexual rifts and begin working on them
After all “Hope” is what it comes down to. His words:
“This bridge was once a landmark of a divided nation, but
now it’s a symbol for change. The spirit of this bridge transforms
race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and social status.”
It is about time we ALL grow up as a nation, accept it,
and only then can we start to fix our serious problems
For if we don’t it will be the downfall of us all. And it’s
something historically you can take to the damn bank
Dems Didn’t Learn A Fucking Thing…
Remember when Republican’s did a post mortem on
the 2012 elections? Yeah, they found out they needed
to appeal to minorities, women, gays and immigrants
Then they said “Well, fuck em, we’ll still run the same
policies”. It seems the Democrats now are doing THE
EXACT SAME STUPID SHIT. Their post mortem, for
the most part was “Hey, let’s get Southern white votes
now”, but intend to CHANGE policies. Their idea was
to “go father right”! WTF?!?!?! That is why they LOST
in the mid-terms. Between taking a “real” Republican
or a fake one, they’ll take the real one very damn time
Did not learn a SINGLE thing. They better learn, fast
NOTE: Crazy Republican, thinks that religious folks
can legally let their children “die” because…freedom
Have a day!