What if I told you 47 Republican senators are writing

letters to foreign leaders, as if they are the POTUS?!?

clean-your-room(And your mouth)

Knowing Republican’s today that shocks no one BUT

this was a new low even for the loud ass racist bullies

Banjo Head Tom Cotton (R-Ark) decided to send this

threatening letter to Iran that 46 other morons signed

The goal? Sabotage talks between us and Iran. Geeeee

I’m pretty sure there’s a word for what these turds did

Oh yeah, right. SEDITION. What is sedition you ask?!?

It is the ‘crime’ of saying, writing, or doing something

Tom Cotton with Huckabee(Of COURSE!)

that encourages people to ‘Disobey’ their government

It also appears they violated the Logan Act which says

“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who,
without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly
commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse
with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof,
with intent to influence the measures/conduct of any foreign
government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any
disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat
the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Ahh yes, it can carry up to 3 year prison with it. Neato!

The Letter itself, is an Unserious Act Of Anti-Diplomacy

It’s like a child going over the head of their parents and

writing a letter to a principal with “whatever agreement

you reach with my parents will never be followed by me

and I will ensure I use my days to do the exact opposite”

For all Foreign Policy, the “Executive Branch” IS the US

Misspelled tattoo(TruEly Stupid)

The POTUS negotiates all treaties with foreign nations

The Secretary of State’s the agent carrying out agenda

This clown car just got lightened. They honestly do not

even know our Constitution & all the laws of our nation

Why? Because they’re unserious and SO fucking dumb

Tomorrow: Hilllary E-Mail Witch Hunt Gets So Funny

Have a day!

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