So now Hillary used only one device so she could
“Keep it simple using only one smart phone”. Oh,
well that makes sense. It wouldn’t be a cause to a
problem, if she came out and said, that she used:
“An iPad, Mini-iPad, iPhone, and a Blackberry”
Ooooooooooooops. Look, she clearly should have
used the “governments” email. But come on, NSA
has a record of ‘Everything’ she did, or sent. If we
really want that & we do, get it. The bottom line is
this is a witch hunt by Republican fishing for dirt
when their are many many many other target rich
things to call her out on: Goldman Sachs ties, and
drooling for a war with Iran being a war hawk. Oh
that’s because the media and Republicans AGREE
with her on Those Issues. Nothing will come from
this. It is a distraction and a non-scandal trying to
muddy her up before 2016. The media will all play
along. Forget she is a shitty legacy candidate with
a middle of the road Republican Lite tag. It is just
the fact she is already a weak choice for the Dems
without all the stupid noise around this “ad seller”
Morning Joke, & FOX Racism
It seems when idiots, want to weigh in on any big
media issues the two best today are Morning Doh!
and FOX Booze. Joke and the Hot Face said of the
Oklahoma racist frat turds that it’s because of Rap
Music they did it *Rubs hand over forehead often*
Ah yes, remember that Rap song where the rapper
was callin for discrimination against others & then
lynching/hanging/killing em? Oh right me neither
They ‘assumed’ the overtly racist chant the racists
said were rap lyrics. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Holy shit overtly hateful racist assholes get caught
and their 1st inclination to blame a black rapper?!
Oh fuck off. Slapping them in the head or face is a
waste of a thoughtful slap. They are not worth any
of it. FOX then when addressing the Ferguson hate
in the Racist E-mails, Megyn Kelly, says this GEM:
“There are very few companies in America…you
won’t find any racist E-mails, any racist comments”
That should be a cause for attention & change, not
fucking dismissal. And NO, not everyone does this
But I’ll bet, if you hack FOX, this shit’s all rampant
NOTE: In A Dark World, A Bright Light Of Hope
NOTE: Will Ferrell Will Play MLB Baseball Today
In All Nine Positions. This WILL Be So Awesome
Have a day!