Ahhhh yes, there is “driving while black” and

runnin’ while black and “existing while black”

Cops arresting Gray(Disgusting evil)

Now there is; “He killed himself, while black”

The Cops “Leaked” a story while offering NO

other facts about the murder of Freddie Gray

They ALL claim, Gray was now “intentionally

trying to injure himself”. BULLSHIT!!!! They

“released” it, now must eat their own BIG fat

steamin bowl of crap they made. Well GOOD

news, the cops are all being charged for THIS

(Insert Focused Applause for the start of this)

Peaceful protestors happy(BOOM!)

On Friday the SA declared it to be a homicide

And all 6 officers where arrested and bonded

Be focused, this is simply the FIRST step in a

long process, that still needs to go trough our

entire justice system. Thank you to Ms Mosby

the States Attorney for beginning this process

Waitress Wallops States Wallet

A new hero has emerged, and she is in Kansas

Her name is Chloe Hough from Lawrence, KS

Chloe the best waitress ever(Nicely done!)

She was working her “Last Shift” on Saturday

night, when she Served, Governor Brownback

She worked at Boss Hawg’s- Topeka KS where

you can hear the Duke Boys yelling “Yeee haw”

every 3 seconds in your ‘mind’. Turns out, she

crossed out his “tip” & wrote “Tip the schools”

BOOM!!! It seems Governor “Gut The Budget”

was called out over his Vote in April to cut the

school funding. He let go the state’s old school

funding formula, and substituted it with Block

Grant funding. What does that mean?!?!? Oh,

new civil statement receipt(Nooooice!)

it means Everyone’s budget is getting cut, and

you Must Apply For Grant Money, in order to

Run Your School. Many are Turned down. Six

schools in Kansas are shutting their door early

this may because they don’t have proper funds

And why does this effect Chloe? Well, it turns

out she has a special needs sister who has lost

“So many dedicated educators, who have been

cut due to budget cuts”. Well Sammy sure does

suck, when the hateful hurtful Gutless Policies

you enact have a face and that face is serving u

gop-doesnt-care(Yes, we know)

Sam did leave her a tip sensing THAT political

shit storm if he didn’t. But, what’ll that limited

guberment cabal on the right say? How DARE

she do that, fire her! Yep they shout “LIMTED

Guberment” yet want to tell every citizen what

they can, or can’t do with their body’s, in their

bedrooms and now with their hard earned tips

NOTE: Morgan Freeman Is Correctly Pissed
At The “Media’s Handling”, Of Freddie Gray
NOTE II: Avengers-Age Of Ultron Is GREAT
It’s even better than the 1st. I’m eating Crow

Have a day!

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