Seems, we have an educated public that has this

magical thing called “Perfect  Memory” & “Facts”

Ivy-Ziedrich nails it(Ivy Ziedrich)

A college student knows more about our Foreign

Policy than Jeby. Her name is Ivy Ziedrich, 19, a

student at the University of Nevada & she totally

schooled dumb from Dumb & Dumber. She just

explained that Jeb’s comments on ISIS and Iraq

the other day are not just misplaced, but totally

WRONG. W Bush & Paul Bremmer created ISIS

ISIS, is all Ex-Baathists from “Saddam’s regime”

Remember the little thing W Bush did in IRAQ?

Smart Student(Bitchslapped by facts)

It was called the Iraq Occupation/Shock & Awe?

Then the exchange took a turn for the absolutely

bizarre. It seems Jeby doesn’t like reality at ALL:

“When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, Al Qaeda
had been taken out. There was a fragile system that could
have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence”


W signed the “Withdrawl Treaty” before Obama’s

1st day in office. It was already a done deal. But I

guess, when Your Brother is The Worst President

in the last Century you tend to really hate Reality

Job Bush with sign(So long chump!)

It’s so bad for Republicans/Neo-Con’s/Tea Party

people who have a chronic detachment from core

reality, facts, history, & live in a ‘Batshity Bubble’

NOTE: A Republican, Who Refused Obamacare Is
“Helped” By Liberals. What A Stubborn Tiny Turd

Have a day!

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