But Racism’s over, just ask Fox Noise or any Republican racists. ODD, it’s always (We know…) the racists who always say racism is over Yes, they Do, Because they don’t want to be forced into the sunlight. 6 well known historic black Churches have all been set on fire. And they Did It At Knight. […]
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The Confederate Flag is coming down and Obamacare is here to stay with “subsidies” (Noooice) And finally gay marriage is legal across the county. Honestly can’t believe I’m Fucking typing this in 2015, but sadly it’s true. Our Society, has now tried to catch up, to 2005 Sure we’re 10 year late, but it’s here. […]
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Still cool, or just really lame?!?!?!?!? Well it depends on the setting. With your kids? (Sweet form!) Ohhhh fuck yes. With your wife? Meh not so much. In grade school science class?!? Brilliant! In a town hall meeting?!?!?! Meh not so much. But, to me, They’re all GOLD Anythin’ to do with farts is blast […]
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Denial ain’t just a River In Egypt. My father used to always say that to me. So, now I know exactly (We know) what he meant. This entire thing is about racism And it is fascinating. In the world of Fox & in the Republican Party Today, they are having what is known as a […]
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CNN’s Don Lemon, wanted to do a “Beck Like” Skit. It was pretty fucking stupid, just as you’d (Shock value) expect from shit cable fake “news”. Did Donny discuss the ‘Content’ of why we’re not cured of racism? Ohhhhhhhh fuck no. He wanted to use props of the Confederate Flag, & a big que card […]
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Earl Holt III is a massive Racist. And he loves giving money to Republicans. In fact they got (Massive Racist) (A corrected picture right now. Terribly sorry As any other person I make mistakes & want them corrected fairly, & make them Accurate) over $74,000 in donations from the big racist mentioned in Dylann’s Mega […]
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The great debate now across our country is “Should we ban the Confederate Flag on all (BUZZ! You lose) public government owned spaces?!?!?” Yes Actually fuck yes; and here’s why. That flag is a “symbol” of Racism, Slavery, Secession, Sedition, Treason, Genocide, Civil War, and an era where part of this country Lost Their entire […]
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As you know, normally I always do a funny (Well Try) post along with my other bits in (United States) the usual news. This sad evil terrorist event is Too Much. My Blog is Going At Half Mast today in honor of all those, who senselessly died at the hands of Racist Terrorist. So, go […]
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This is, the most gut wrenching, sad, blog I’ve had to post in over 3 years. My heart’s broken (Racist Evil) “I have to do it. You rape our women & you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” A racist named Dylann Storm Roof entered an “Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church” He […]
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There’s attention whores, the Kardashians and then there’s The Trump. I’ve officially (“Hey, I suck!”) changed the term in the dictionary 2 mean Trump-1. Loud pompous lying idiot with no self awareness, shame, or ability to feel at all 2. A gift given to every comedian where they do not have to work as hard […]
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