Archive for June, 2015

What’s going on with Texas lately? Well, to be honest. It’s not just lately, it’s been for a (Right Wing Terrorist) while. A man James Boulware “Shot Up” a dallas police station. He was fatally shot by a police sniper after an ‘overnight standoff’ that began when he opened fire on the cop station. This […]

You’ve seen LeBron James, basketball god play. And now all of American has seen Lil (The Dong Show) LeBron. Guess he is a grower not a shower And what crazy crap insanity are people all saying against ABC for accidentally showin it?!? Maybe the FCC. If they were to do this it’d be totally nuts. […]

What Your Favorite Movie…

June 12th, 2015

Says about you. If you like Indiana Jones, it tells me you prefer Whips over Guns. It (Nooooooice) also tells me you like history as well. And, what about people, who like The Princess Bride? Fuckin’ great people who love love true humor, and amazing acting/storyline And what about People who loved Cool As Ice […]

And now racist moron Eric Casebolt tries the usual Expected “Non-Apology Apology” right (We know) on que. Did he speak it?!? Nope. Did he try to ‘apologize’ to the teens he Terrorized, and the girl he slammed?!?!? Oh fuck no. That would imply he viewed them as actual equal citizens His lawyer then tried to […]

We learned that area of Texas has racist problems (The evil racists Defend the Cops & hide on video) (Sean Toon, racist POS) We learned the Cop Drastically Over Reacted here (He quit. Oh no. He must be charged with assault) We learned a fat Racist White women started it all (Tracey Carver-Allbritton isn’t Arrested […]

And Republicans are utterly losing their Shit The Supreme Court will Rule on this, later in (Yes, we know) the month. And now all the tears are flowing It has gotten SO Bad, that Glenn Beck thinks he’s MLK, Huckabee can ignore the Supreme if gays can marry, R- Gohmert says that folks pointing out […]

Racist Pool Scum & Cops

June 8th, 2015

What happens when you mix racist home owners, with armed cops? This goofy shit (Oh, we know) This is unacceptable, it is real, & it makes me fucking vomit. And ohhhhhhhh lookie it is in TEXAS. They really do put the ASs in Texas. How did it all start?! With White racist scum tauntin’ black […]

Things That “Rock”…

June 5th, 2015

Chairs, cribs, bands, cradles, boats, beds, (“He rocked it!”) Casbah’s, clothes, and even Big Boulders And the new Daredevil on Netflix does to Trust me, and thank me later. Have to go to a “25th year high school reunion” after party tonight for a bit. This should be fun NOTE: Blackhawks play tomorrow so we […]

A Black family, in Mississippi, Faces “Possible” jail time for cheering a daughter at graduation (“Shhhh, quiet!”) Let, Those, Words, Sink, In! You read em right Superintendent Jay Foster asked loved ones to refrain from cheering or applauding until all of the names were called. Lanarcia Walkers name was called, her family of four cheered. […]

It “seems” if you don’t pay $10 to go the big year end Pre-K-5th grade carnival, you don’t (Weeeeeeeee!) go. In fact, not only do they ‘not’ get to go, it gets worse. There were 100+ kids that didn’t pay & were taken into a big dark auditorium watched a film, as they ‘heard’ the […]

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