Chris Christie is Now Officially in the race

To see who gets the Keys to the Clown Car

Christie funny donor pic(Weeeeee)

and drive that big goofy fucker off the Cliff

His pledge is the “Truth” about the nations

woes. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, now he Likes the

“truth”. 55 % of Republican primary voters

say they “can’t envision ever voting for him”

Woooooopise Duuuuuuuuuuuupsy chubby

The guy’s Shallow Hal’s Rosemary but with

the mouth incapable of ever telling A Truth

His Record, & his Judgement are as wobbly

Christie goofy look(“All I can cheat?!?!”)

as a Drunk Webble. But he adds A “Weight”

to this hilarious 2016 Republican turd train

That Seems to be Barreling into an Endless

Tunnel, where they will never emerge from

Beat That Trump Pinata

I’ve never been a big fan of “Effigies”. But

here I will make a serious exception. Well

Republican presidential candidate Trump gestures and declares "You're fired!" at a rally in Manchester(“I’m fired!”)

it seems Trumps horrible racist comment

that the Mexicans are “Rapists” & “Killers”

is something he is not Backing down from

He also went on to state “They are not our

friends”. Was he done?! Ohhhhhh fuck no

“Mexico treats us as though we are stupid

people” going on to, “China is even worse”

What has been “thoughtful reaction” from

Mexican immigrants/Mexican Americans?!

Perfect Trump Pinata(Uncanny!)

Make a Pinata, with Trumps Loud Asshole

Mug on it. If you can’t Join Him, beat HIM

Bravo. Ronald Dump is simply one in a big

line of jackasses braying into microphones

with nothing to spew except hateful venom

NOTE: Remember That ‘Asshole’ In Hawaii
Who’d Smash Homeless People’s Carts w/a
Sledgehammer? Well, They Kicked His Ass
Do Not believe In Violence, But It Is Karma
(He’s a Dem But He Should Switch Parties)
NOTE II: Rand Paul Loves The Cliven Bundy
Yes, The Republicans Are The ‘Racist Party’

Have a day!

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