Ever Notice when someone is a bigot or racist
asshole, they have piles of “skeletons” in their
closet?!?!? Turns out, Texas Attorney General
Ken Paxton, you know the guy who refuses to
Issue Same Sex Marriage Licenses to Citizens
if the issuer has religious objections, did some
very shady shit. When Paxton was in the Texas
legislature, he was Hired to seek Clients by the
investment firm that is called: Mowery Capital
Management, which is facing Allegations from
a state securities board of defrauding investors
Ooooooooooooooospy Doooooooooooooooopsy
Ken’s your usual Tea Party turd. Paxton wasn’t
properly registered as an investment advisor in
his work with the firm. It Reprimanded him, &
fined him $1,000. Seems now besides Facing A
Jail Term for Violating Federal Law, he also did
violate Texas Securities Laws. It Carries a Term
of 5 to 99 years in prison. What a piece of work!
Rand Paul Loves Cliven Bundy’s Voters
News flash, if you’re running for POTUS you do
not want tell 73% of the nation to go “Fuck Off”
That would be: Minorities, Women, Gay People,
Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Paul leaves them off
from his voter base. Great move Rand. Bravo!!!
To Say The Entire Republican Party’s imploding
would be kind. They’re not; their views & direct
policies are being correctly exposed. AND, they
should be. So, When People see the Ingredients
of racism, ignorance, hate, arsenic, & rat poison
they get turned off. Really only rubes, or racists
love that cocktail today. Rand was speaking too
the Cliven Bundy’s of the world and literally his
son. All this took place in Mesquite Nevada with
rural Nevadans, and the Bundy Family. Oooops
This is NOT an issue of being a picture with the
wrong person. It’s what ya said they Agree With
The democrats have their problems for sure but
courting “Overtly racist voters” isn’t one of them
NOTE: Illinois Budget Breakdown Could Cost
Us Badly With A Shut Down. They Better Not
NOTE II: ‘Moron Anarchist Violent Teen Shits’
Loot A Wal Mart In Georgia. They’ll Be Found
CORRECTION: In My June 30th Post, I Listed
It As 6 Black Churches. It Appears 1 Was Just
Lightening Striking The Church. But Still Five
My Job’s It To Get Things Right, & Offer Facts
Have a day!