The Iran “Nukes” deal is done. It’s landmark
to say the least. And it’s honestly a very good
(Let’s make a deal!)
step towards peace. Here were the main keys
-The “Talks” took two weeks in Vienna, Austria
-Iran will curb Nuclear production, only energy
-The UN has access to all Nuclear sites, and this
includes All the Military Sites as well to Inspect
-We will Give Them previously Frozen Assets in
aid somewhere to the tune of about $100 billion
-This is the 1st successful act of Diplomacy there
in well over a decade, if not much, much Longer
-Citizens will watch closely as all the Conditions
are Met. Iran will Highlight only their successes
Democrats will Highlight the “No Nukes!” factor
And the Republicans will lie, use fear & seek war
The “Good” is they will Never be armed with a
nuke. The bad is that in order to have that, we
had to Give Back 100 billion $ in stolen frozen
assets we ceased in the form of “Aid” for Them
We also ended a European oil embargo & other
various financial Restrictions on Iranian Banks
We extended the U.N. arms embargo on em for
up to five more years. That used to just be a big
(“Can I drink?!?”)
blanket ban, but if they keep passing inspection
that might Fall off as they need to Defend them
selves from other Violent factions in their State
Here is how you know this was a “fairly” GOOD
deal. Republican lead Congress hates it, & They
only want war/bombing. Also Sunni Arab rivals
of Shiite Iran have also Expressed Concern over
the deal, along with Israel. If those two factions
had it Their Way; Iran would NOT fucking exist
(Zarif fan club!)
Kerry actually did a fairly solid job here working
w/Iran foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
The only potential danger is that $. That can buy
a shit load of politicians in any country. And that
could be a dangerous thing unless we change law
Have a day!