It seems that way from every “abduction” story
I’m thinking just a bunch of Red Necks went to
(I knew it!)
a Glow necklace Rave party & just had anal sex
Then they “woke up” the next day, in an empty
Corn Field, with their Pants at their Ankles. The
story is then “It was big bright flash of lights!!!”
(Disco lights) and “They drugged me!”(He took
X at the party), then it’s “I was groggy, getting
anally probed!!” (The But Sex). Finally, landing
(There’s a line?!?)
on “Then I just woke up in this empty corn field
with my pants at my feet”(Those ‘gays’ dumped
him after he bit one of them pissin’ everywhere)
Yeep, Your “Abduction Story” All Checks Out Ace
NOTE: Muslim Terrorist, Killed 4 Americans
Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez Was 24 And
Is Now Dead. FBI Has Nothing That Ties Him
To National Terrorist Organizations. He Posts
Islamic Religious Crap. He Was Insane, & Evil
This, Is The Best Information We Have Today
Have a weekend!