A year later, Two reporters who were arrested

in a nearby McDonald’s, are being charged?!?

Two reporters charged(Charged for what?)

Yes, it’s the anniversary of the Michael Brown

shooting. And the Cops want to send a CLEAR

message to reporters: you WON’T be tolerated

down here. Wow, just…wow. These journalists

will fight it, win, and all it will have done is all

wasted time and valuable $. These journalists

should sue the Police Force here to push back

against an out of control Police state that runs

IF(Arrested for what?)

WAY out of control. When “Cops” are abusing

Journalists, for simply doing their Jobs, we’ve

lost our “Social Way”. This should be National

News, but it isn’t. Why? Because Police Abuse,

and Institutional Racism aren’t ever discussed

Because deep down in places they refuse 2 go

They know they don’t really care. That, is Sad

Have a day!

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