Lectures you, it might be time to fucking
listen. But no, sadly the Republican base
don’t care. They’d have to have a brain
or an IQ above their Shoe Size. Miss AL.
Meg McGuffin (A “Plot Point” In Moves),
on Sunday said, that All the Republicans
should be “terrified” Trump is runnin for
President with the GOP. As she correctly
states: “I think Trump is an Entertainer”
She followed up with “And so if I were a
Republican I would absolutely b terrified
of that”. Then as all 22 year old’s do she
went so completely “off the fucking rails”
Her point was valid, until she said THIS:
“I think he says what’s on lots People’s Minds,
but I think that the Republican party should be
absolutely terrified of all the attention that he is
taking from incredible candidates like Jeb Bush
& Chris Christie who could absolutely do the job
of just being the president of the United States”
Incredible candidates?!?!? Honey, PLEASE
sick to swimsuits, royal waves and bein as
vapidly shallow as your entire big pageant
industry. Road Scholars are studying, and
she’s using Vaseline on her Teeth and duct
taping her tits (Full disclosure, I Worked in
in the industry as a Securityguard 4 years)
Just ask ‘Alaskan Barbie’ all about that shit
When Palin’s a roll model, we need a better
(Herp Derp!)
brand of contestant. While it can be a Fun,
Healthy, Self-Esteem Building, Experience
Most Girls were Shattered, some SO bitter
they made Mean Girls, seem all like Angles
So Meg, right neighborhood wrong address
NOTE: R.E.M Tells Trump To “Go Fuck Off”
NOTE II: Villains “Beat” Sikh Man Because
They’re Just Fucking Stupid Bigot Assholes
Have a day!