Can pretend reality doesn’t exist politics are
freaking Awesome! See, for any Republicans
(None are)
today a “Gotcha question” is where they are
asked a simple question, that’s “Fact” based
They are “trying” to Claim the FOX Business
Debate was “better”. Well sure because they
think Unemployment is “40%” and asked all
the hard questions without pointing out that
China isn’t even IN the fucking TPP Pact to a
moronic Trump who lumped them in it some
how. The moderators all will ask softball idiot
(We know!)
questions then let un-thoughtful liars bullshit
for five minutes sayin’ nothing substantive &
Lying through Their Teeth. But for Republican
debates their goal isn’t to Enlighten it’s solely
to confuse, bullshit, lie and pretend they care
About You. THEY DO NOT. And Every Policy’s
Directly TELLING YOU THAT…..Listen to them
Have a day!