The horrific event of California’s mass
Shooting in America, “rivaled” only by
(Pure evil)
Sandy Hook happened. It’s pure evil &
unacceptable in modern society. But it
happened. 14 people died & another 21
were injured. 28-year-old Syed Rizwan
Farook and wife, 27-year-old Tashfeen
Malik have direct ties with IS Terrorist
cells. The world will not let this stand &
no one who is a global citizen will allow
it any More. If Zealot Religious Fundies
want to commit violent acts of hate, we
as a collective society will be there to all
STOP THEM at EVERY turn. This will Not
stand. Not now, not ever. Tick tock bitch
Can’t Spell Rump Without Trump
The loud Limitless cavern of ignorance
known as Donald’s Mouth is at it Again
(Racist Clown)
Trump now wants to “Ban” All Muslims
from immigrating into America. WTF?!?
Remember, Trump is really just the big
symptom. The diseases is just apathetic
racist ignorance. The key is treating that
disease. It’s a nasty one and one society
is working to eradicate. But how?! Shine
a fucking Light on every “Racist” until it
Socially Burns to exist in their Sick Skin
Ever notice that?! If they’re so Proud of
their hateful racist views, why hide?!?!?
Because they still even know deep down
inside it’s pure evil and all totally wrong
NOTE: Very ‘Sorry’ About The Spotty
Posting. Getting Over An Injury, And
Takin’ My “Better Half” Sonja To San
Fran For Her Birthday Weekend. But
I’m Back Ready To Rock This Bitch!!!
Have a day!