The Oregon Fuck Dynasty dress up Cowboys are Officially over. One is “Dead”, by his own (True) demands. He wanted to die. Remember the Nutty Idiot Robert LaVoy Talking to CNN in the rain under a bluetarp sayin, “Â I have no intention of spending ANY OF my DAYS in a concrete box”. Who the ever […]
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Bernie “feel the bern” Sanders is now a serious contender. And, is (It’s Berns!) so serious, he “Met” with Obama today. Did Obama endorse him?! No, but he also did NOT endorse Hillary Clinton either. ‘Vowing’ to “stay out of endorsin” and let us Voters Decide. NOOOOOOOOICE Look out, this Winter & Spring is going […]
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Iowa has a lot goin’ on these days, at 1st they were the girl who got asked to prom (Yes, we know) but left at home. Now the Jock is back & Looking For That 2nd Date just Politically speaking. Voters will go to the Polls, in a big attempt to select the next candidates […]
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What does a political endorsement mean today?! If you’re a Republican, nothin’. Even some of the (Breaking wind…) Democrats don’t pull the clout they once did, and that’s Funny. People have peeked behind that big curtain, and don’t like what they all see behind it Call this: “Endouchement Monday”, from now on After Word Salad […]
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When you think of Any “Kick Ass Space Movie”, what top titles come to mind?!? (Ha ha ha!) Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey or a little Fun Shitty 80’s ditty called The Ice Pirates? Maybe. But here’s fun personal list I made of Fun Space movies for you: -Alien -Interstellar -Blade Runner -Guardians Of […]
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That is just Palin’s calling card these days It’d be nice if she’d just speak any English (Sadly true) Sadly, she can’t; it’s really just more of the ignorant jingostic boastful Appalachian or her loony pointless non-sequiter gibberish Or in this case, both. Try to comprehend it “He knows the main thing, & he knows […]
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If you’re Trump you like two things: Morons and Racists. Which makes a (“Helping Hate”) Palin Endorsement a Classic Twofer In The: “Who Let ‘You’ Back In After Your 15 Minutes Of Shame” segment Sarah “Special Ed” Palin, just Today, endorsed Trump for president. Geee that’s like an F- student, “endorsing” another F student for […]
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Happy day after MLK day my bitches! Wait, that’s a little Harsh. How about, (Policy facts!) happy day after MLK day you fuckers! Wait, still not Right Tone. Meh, forget it. Republican’s tried to have a debate, but they aren’t any actual ‘substantive’ policy debates or specific factual issues found in reality. They are this […]
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I farted a snowflake. Go ahead, & make your own cool funny one up. Here are 2 (How snow’s made) others to help you get started. It is Soo cold out, I saw two penguins smoking & bitching all about How Cold it is Outside It’s so cold I can really see through time Now […]
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It seems the Militia of Morons doesn’t understand what it really Means to be (Derp!) Anti-Government. See, they’re getting the MAIL. Who Do they Think Delivers THAT?!?! The Mail Fairy? Pssssssssssst the US Government gives you the mail You “Morons” can’t even stay Logically consistent if your Lives Depended on it And in this case, […]
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