If you’re still a Republican today, you
hate anything Obama does. Even that
(“Suck it!”)
‘Shit’ You Actually LIKED Before. But,
since he did/offered it, that’s now bad
Tax cuts good; & when Obama does it
Bad. Military action always good; and
when the Obama does it-bad. The shit
they normally ‘like’ isn’t ever accepted
Let that really sink in. In the SOTU he
was loser in this one. Still tried all the
Soaring “let’s all work together” Stuff
(Re-bungled Response)
This was a “Let it all hang out” type of
speech. Climate Change, Gun control,
strong middleclass policies, education,
getting big PAC $ out of politics and it
was simply platitudes. Nothin’ will get
done this year cause R’s won’t Do Shit
Feel The Bern
Burn Notice is on! Berine Sanders, the
King Shit on turd mountain. The #’ers
(“You go now!”)
are coming in, and Bernie is “winning”
The $’s coming in from all us “Smaller
Donors” and now he’s winning in polls
This is Demographically Positive Stuff
Here if you’re Bernie Sanders. As time
goes on….you’ll see Clinton’s numbers
go down, and Berine’s go up. He is the
best change to “crush” Trump/Cruz or
(We do!)
Rubio. Them polls don’t lie. Follow the
facts here. And you see a ground swell
for Sanders strongly growing while the
Clinton leads are shrinking fast. Ooops
NOTE: Trying Actual Journalism?!?!?!?
Wow, Big Difference Between R’s & D’s
NOTE II: This Is Comedy Gold Peoples
Have a day!