Hey Iowa, your Republican idoicy is showing

What do Republicans, Palin, Trumpy, & Cruz

Sarah_Palin_interview_derails_when-6cec49f5955690bac2606278df8ef0c2(“This is recorded?”)

all have in common?!?!? They ALL do not get

how cameras work? See, cameras record the

stupid shit you morons all say. Yet, magically

they don’t Understand, we can all “Play Back”

exactly what they ‘ignorantly’ said while they

are right in front of us. Shit, they Would Still

deny it claiming ,”Nope, that’s an imposter!!”

Useless “Bullshit Barbie”, went on The Today

Show & denied saying Obama was the person

reality-check-300x292(Yes there is)

responsible for her son’s “nonexistent” PTSD

How does one Get PTSD, while NOT in a War

zone?! And so much for the party of Personal

Responsibility. Dipshit supreme said that she

didn’t “lay PTSD at the Foot of The president”

Naturally we all the saw the loony world barf

at her Trump endorsement. Yes she said that:

“It is a Shame, that our Military Personnel, Even Have
to wonder if they have to question if they’re respected
anymore. It starts from the top,” Palin said at the rally.
“The question, though it comes from our own president
when they have to look at him & wonder ‘Do you know
what we go through?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?'”

Her pants burst into flames right?!?!?! Nope

politifactfire_jpg-12-668x501(Hot stuff!)

because stupid just keeps on spewing bullshit

Of course She Did. Her :15 of shame are over

Now the time has come for a Rockass Caucus

Time for a few ‘Folks’ to kick off the Primaries

voting. Iowa will likely go to Trump & Sanders

But its very close right between Clinton & him

statistically speakin’ so it’s a toss up. That’s so

bad for Clinton. She had Double Digit leads in

polls before. Those are shrinkin’ very fast now

NOTE: Fuck Dynasty Idiot, Sounds Exactly Like
ISIS While Spewing Violent Hate Against Others
NOTE II: Empty Seats At The Trump Rally Spell
“Problems” He Will Have In The General Election

Have a day!

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