NH Decision Time…

February 9th, 2016

For New Hampshire it’s Decision Time

Yet for Old Hampshire it’s nappin time


It will, statistically speaking most likely

be Sanders and Trump. To many points

to overcome. The only difference is that

it’s a primary format. Not shocks would

seem likely. But never say never. But it

is the oddest thing; people know who is

running, and what They will “do” unless

you “support” Trump, then it is just soft

hotair slogans with zero substance. Boo

NOTE: Rubio Child Confronted By “Gay”
Voter Asking Him, To “Defend” His Hate

Have a day!

One Response to “NH Decision Time…”

  1. hidderm

    We observed that in MCF 7 cells transiently transfected with the ER beta promoter plasmid bearing the ARE mutated site or with a deleted construct of ER beta promoter without the ARE site p 355 315 D mibolerone was no longer able to induce ER beta promoter activity Figure 3C cialis with priligy A Double immunofluorescence for the

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