Good Ex Memorial Day weekend to you all! Hope it was awesome! (Damn straight!) But more importantly, thank you to everyone who has served both present, and past. And to “Those” who will ‘Serve in the Future’. Let us all never forget. A’ thanks’ just isn’t enough these days. And one Day Isn’t Enough. Glad […]
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Sanders campaign’s seeking this Thing ‘Called’ a “Recanvass” just (Count again!) to “Double Check” that Kentucky primary vote count was “correct” Everyone should want that, even Hillary because if she lost as well by that tiny margin she’d also be entitled to all that ‘Transparency’ Like Bernie. So, Will That Clinton camp yell? Yes. And […]
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One minority groups that was badly ‘Marginalized’ By “Bigots” In Society (We know) Not recognizing other minorities for being ‘badly’ marginalized by Bigots A Group of 40 ‘Preachers’ who were mostly African Americans want this Evil Discriminating Hate Called HB2 The irony’s utterly INSANE on these morons. Nothin’ more ignorant than when folks who were […]
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John McCain has a problem with…2010 John McCain, & (We remember) it’s very very very bad. He’s going to lose his re-election race. GOOD! He had this ad he ran in 2010 about us “all” “Building that dang fence!!!” Now, In 2016, After Drumpf he is tied to that xenophobic hate still. Ooooooooooooops Now he […]
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Hey Wisconsin, you repicked a governor who can not manage money, period. His (Yes, we know) “Presidential Hopes”, put him $900,000 in debt. And you good people Wisconsin PUT him in a position of power to FUCK you all over. Did the amount of jobs he promised ever come true? NOPE; & you are the […]
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What if I told you that the DNC is in serious trouble. I mean it’s (<-Bias Liar!) SERIOUS Trouble. Their ‘Chair’ ‘Debbie Wasserman Schultz’, is a big Hillary ‘supporter’. She, & other ‘Supporters’ are Using all the News Media outlets to Bash Sanders and ‘all’ his supporters even making shit up to Slander and lie […]
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Bernie lost KY by a point. And honestly, it’s “Sketchy” at best (Berngaism!) and ‘Illegal Voter Suppression’ at Worst. At this weekends big Nevada convention leadership CLEARLY suppressed Sanders supporters Voice Votes. And in Ironic fashion one of the items they were 2 vote on was if any “Voice Votes” should be Taken (Upsidedown sign) […]
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Sorry, after a full day of taking care of my elderly parents, I’m (<-Tired) Toast. You get a ‘Great’ blog for Tomorrow, I Promise. Until then Let Drumpf “Mock Himself”, and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE In ALL Those Primaries Left, &”Feel that BERN” Have a day!
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What if I told you a siting Republican didn’t ‘believe’ (Beat down!) in “Carbon Dioxide”?! You wouldn’t really be shocked would you?!? You know by now, the answer to that Lil gem don’t you? Republican reptile thing Dana “WTF?!?” Rohrabacher said, this Shit: “Millions of dollars….if not billions of dollars, we’re talking about is all […]
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Drumpf has the intellectual depth of a husky 4th grade playground bully who (Only Tactic) is “Hopped up” on Sugar, & pop rocks He uses “Nicknames” in an attempt to avoid any/all Serious, Rigorous, policy discussions. Simply put cause he can’t do that. If you Can’t ‘Swim’, You Avoid WATER. So, He Called Sanders “Crazy” […]
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