You could ask for no “Better” analogy
for The Entire Turd Cruz Primary Year
(Fail Fall)
Carly was ‘Introducing’ Cruz when she
“fell” off the side of the stage; she was
not injured at all, which makes it twice
as funny. The idea is they “fall” so very
far because they are not looking where
they’re Going, Don’t Care, & Then FALL
Is falling important?!?!?! Hell No, we all
make Mistakes, but that’s not the point
(“I’m alive”)
It just demonstrates how Fake they all
are & don’t even care about each other
It’s all over but the crying……and since
Glenn Beck is backing Cruz expect that
soon. Like try Tomorrow Night when it
is all over. Trump is now up even more
Try 9.3 points, & 15 points in some. It
is SO “Delicious” to ‘Watch’ their entire
Political Party Die. They Deserve Every
thing “Evil and Shitty” that they sowed
NOTE: A FOX “Hitman”, Jesse “Dirty”
Watters Got In A Fist Fight After The
“WHCD” With 1 HuffPost’s Ryan Grim
Have a day!