As Drumpf is falling like a rock in the polls, Hillary is clinching her spot and (Pam Lies) Bernie is Conceding. We’re all still in “shock” from Orlando. Republican AG Pam Bondi was “rightly” GRILLED by Anderson Cooper for ‘All’ her previous Anti-LBGT “policy positions”, as she is now pretending “all these lives matter” In […]
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America produces the Best Bullshit Machines on the planet; two classy (Yes we know) models Are, Mitch McConnell, and Drumpfy Wallace 3.0. They ALL lie and could ‘care less’ about 98% of the country. The difference?!? One is ‘Sitting’ In Office To Make Policy decisions, The Other Has Electoral Map Math Problems, But is just […]
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Donny D “hugged” a flag & was so simply fuckin Nutty (WTF?!?) it could have been “Skippy” Peanut better extra chunky It happened at press stop in orlando where he asked the crowd to Shout VP Picks, & then hugged the flag after a “Build The Wall!!!!!!!” chant Broke Out. At that Moment, OUR American […]
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The Worst Mass Shooting, In US history just happened on Sunday (We know) My fingers can barely get out the letters today. My Heart is broken The evil, hateful and SO ignorant Religious Intolerance, in An LBGT shooting that left 49 dead and 53 injured is the worst mass shootin’ in ‘US History’. And, the […]
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A Republican Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee, is in Deep shit. It is sooo (She’s Fucked) deep, her Career might ‘Drown’ in it What did she do?! Oh, well she is on a panel called: Select Panel Of Infant Lives. Yes, this is “Another” Planned Parenthood “investigation”, which is really just a Witch Hunt. But what […]
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Clinton won California, New Jersey, New Mexico, and also South Dakota (<-Fighter) And Sanders won Montana & North Dakota. The pledged delegate totals are Clinton 1,926, & Sanders 1,615 In order for the ‘Primary’ to be over She needed to hit 2,383 without the Super Delegates officially for it to be complete. Until then, Wait […]
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California “Voting” Today Baby! Queen Clinton got The Media to already declare her the delegate (“Good one!”) Winner. Forget she’s Really Not since SuperDelegates don’t vote until July. Without ‘those’ she is not even close. It ‘appears’ they Both will Not Have enough for a win. If Sanders has A ‘Big Night’ tonight, it makes […]
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Violence brokeout at a Trump rally last week at a San Jose rally and it (<-Bad!) was the counter protesters who did the violence, which is “disgustingly” sad. Do “People” Understand “Free Speech”? Drumpf supporter are all terrible, but the ‘Solution’ is NOT to use violence and attack them. Ohhh fucking no. When ‘people’ are […]
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You want a “Hurts Donut”?!?!?!? (Punches the reader softly in the (Yum!) arm) Hurts Don’t It?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Yes, I’m an utter Moron on every level. It’s ‘National Donut’ day!!!! Which means, I’ll get either: A) 2 Sizes larger Pants, or B) Put on a nice pair a sweatpants; or maybe some Zubaz. Yes, I’m Very fuckin’ […]
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Now this isn’t only Funny, it’s also very very very sad. The Libertarian (“I GOT This!”) Mind (Yes, I get it’s an Oxymoron) has no solid fundamental Thought process. It is Simply: “Making Shit Up” With No Sense/Attachment To facts, governance history or reality You have “people”, ‘claiming’ to be ‘Adults’, Always Shouting: “End All Government!!!!”, […]
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