Oh Boy, Nothing like having a
Dysfunctional Campaign, then
trying yet “Another” shake-up
Stephen Bannon From a lying
Right Wing “Hype Rag” Called
Breitbart & Kellyanne Conway
a Republican Pollster Just Did
push Manfort out of his power
It’s like losing in a game badly
19-0, then Bringing in a Child
(D- Team)
to pitch the Heart of the order
This has become some Parody
Inception of a fail within a fail
within a fail within a mega fail
Drumpf’s not only in “Trouble”
the Entire Nation, polls & facts
accept this. But, it Seems Even
the “Drumpfness” is beginning
(What me lose?!?!)
accept ‘this’ as well. It doesn’t
mean this will ‘Take’ since he’s
a ‘jabbering lying racist Moron’
NOTE: Wild Leopard’s ‘Attack’
Thwarted By ‘Protective’ Tiger
Have a day!