Dick Pic Schtick, RNC DOA…

August 30th, 2016

Anthony Weiner can’t keep his dick

off Twitter or Texting that. It is just

weiner4(Danger, danger!)

enough to Make People Sick Of His

“thing”. Well, his Wife sure is & she

is Separated from him Now; so how

Many “Dick Picks”, Does It Take, To

end a marriage?!? So 3-5 is enough

The worst Creepiest part of this shit

was doin a dick pic in bed with your

30xp-WEINER-master768(Sick dude!)

fucking baby next to you!!!!! Ewww

He’s got Serious Sexual Issues & so

needs mental help. Hope he Gets it

(Afterall, as Bad as That is, he never
claimed religious Moral High Ground
like Republicans do, so there is That)

Reince Priebus Hates Life…

You can’t Spell RNC PR BS without

Reince Pribus. He was on Press the

Rience idiot toy(Ahhh fuck!)

Meat (Of Hands) & just was utterly

unhappy Trying to rationalize what

is Trump. He Couldn’t, and he said:

“Well, a nominee is not – doesn’t have
to adopt every single position & every
“Platform Position” of our RNC today
If we’re talkin about what my opinion
is on birthrightcitizenship(it) does not
“Necessarily” have to be Adopted by a
nominee. My big view of immigration
and how it should be pursued doesn’t
ever have to be adopted by a nominee”

Yes, yes it does Dipfuck. Remember

that “Convention” you had?! That is

the entire Fucking Point of that shit

He is truly Hating Having to always

Carry Water & defend Drumpf at all

the turns of his batshitcrazy big lies

Riecne with Drumof(<-“Tire Fire!”)

And now with Drumpf picking a big

‘Fight’ with Colin Kapernick, It Will

Shove him ‘Down’ further & further

Doesn’t learn a thing and never will

Can November get here any faster?

NOTE: Racist Republican Governor
Spews The Most “Hateful” Evil Shit
NOTE II: Rush Flushed By His Own
Caller Pointing Out Reality. Oooops

Have a day!

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