Drumpf had a win yesterday. No
doubt About it. We are objective
(Fuck off!)
here and The Truth doesn’t pick
sides. That said, he didn’t ‘spew’
his “And YOUR Going To Pay for
the wall!” right to Enrique’s face
(The President Tweeted he was
NOT Going To Pay for the wall)
He Waited, Until AFTER He Was
safely back in AZ to try that line
on his rabid base. Ooooooooops
And This “Meeting”, Surly HURT
Enrique Pena Nieto, with his so
low “Approval Rating”. You can
bet it’s below 15% now for sure
What was he Thinking?! Do not
know, But It Backfired so Badly
But now we get 2 the real meat
of Drumpf. The bar is set SOOO
low that if he doesn’t “Fling” his
own feces on Others, that’s now
a “win”? It’s not & it didn’t even
(Yes it is)
stop Drumpf from, “One” of the
WORST Lies Republican Racists
spew at everyturn about history
They ‘Claim’ Democrats, are the
Racist Party. Ahhhhhhhhhhh No
sparky. Try The Party Of Lincoln
switched over segregation in the
1950’s. All The Racist Dixiecrats
became Republicans And All the
‘Progressive Republicans’, Were
(We know)
now Democrats. It has been the
same Ever Since. And then, you
get Their ‘Republican’ Southern
Strategy. Which is how Trumpy
Came About. So Historical facts
And if you Fact Check his racist
Hate Speech, you find Some big
holes, that We ALL so expected
NOTE: After Doubling Down On
His Deportation ‘Hate’ In An AZ.
By Drumpf And Other TeaOPers
Two Top Hispanic Trumper’s Do
A 180 And LEAVE. Oooooooops
NOTE II: So Who Depends More
On The Federal Government?!?!
You Guessed It The ‘Red States’
UPDATE: White Lives Matter Or
Trumps Base Is Officially A Hate
Group. Well No Shit. They Don’t
Seek “Equality”, But Supremacy
Have a day!