Only if you’re Rural, white, & armed The Oregon Far Right Assholes who (<-Terrorists) took over a forest preserve by force, with guns for around 41 fuckin’ days Have been Found Not Guilty. WTF?! This is literally Pure evil. Oh, and do not think for a second this won’t just embolden ALL the racist armed […]
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And ya Know that we mean this Boo! Did I scare you shitless?!?! (Wilson!) This is the best time of year now in the fall. Crisp air, leaves fallin and everyone dressed up. Life is very Good in Chicago these days So go Sing a Song, Write a book or Paint a painting. The Cubs […]
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Republicans are in deep deep deep shit right now; all of them are. You (Boo Scary!) see, they Endorsed and Then They “Unendorsed”. But most are sayin’ they Will STILL Vote Trump. Ahhh then You ENDORSE Him. You just can’t Detach The Two. But oh how They ‘TRY’. Gutless, Un-Principled, jello, flimsy, Spineless, weak, soft, […]
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If your name is Donald J. Trump things are Not Looking so Sunny (<-FAIL) The “soft opening” of Chump TV was Laughably Unwatchable and it’s out there for the entire world to keep seein’ it. It’s not that it’s mistake ridden or they had large technical issues. That happens & in my industry We All […]
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According to Trump, racists, morons and out right Alt Right lunatics. They (<-NOT Funny) are so Confident Reality Is Now Fake because They’ve Been Only Listening To “Fake” In Trump/FOX/Right Wing Hate Echo Chamber lies. Now, Rump thinks all the scientific polling is fake Why? Well it’s all cause they are such Massive fucking assholes, […]
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Trump can’t get out of the way of His Own Fat, Orange, Mouth (He was booed) His ‘Al Smith Dinner Open Mic’ Comedy Act Bombin’ Was one Now it’s 12 Woman Who came forward Accusing the Big Loud Trumpster…of what he Already said He DOES. There Are ‘Just’ 16 days left in the election and […]
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The NES Classic Gaming System Is STILL one Of The Best Around (Saweet!) Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, And Dr. Mario were The Shit. Oh & Don’t forget about Bases Loaded. Wow those were some Sweet days, In the 90’s at College for me. So go rock your Days by living in Today NOTE: The Philippine […]
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The debate last night was as Nasty as you would Expect. He lost badly (<-Man Baby!) And, ‘Spewed’ lie, after lie after lie The main Clinton lie I spotted was when she said, Her Plan would not add Anything to our National Debt And she Pivoted from the big open Boarders question, to state energy […]
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This has been one of the most fucked up Election Seasons Of My Entire Life (Trump Campaign) And tonight’s the final debate. It’ll be a shit show to end all shit shows and Trump Will Throw, The Entire kitchen sink at her. Why?!?! Well, he has got nothing left to lose. So, he might call […]
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It seems if the Trumpsters don’t get their Way, it’s “Pitch Forks & (<-Asshole!) Torches Time!“. Wait, WTF!?!?!? Isn’t this incitement?! Yes, yes it is and you can bet your Watched We Have, Legal Elections In This country. If you don’t like it cause you are Supporting a Racist loud mouthed lying asshole who can’t […]
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