It seems if the Trumpsters don’t
get their Way, it’s “Pitch Forks &
Torches Time!“. Wait, WTF!?!?!?
Isn’t this incitement?! Yes, yes it
is and you can bet your Watched
We Have, Legal Elections In This
country. If you don’t like it cause
you are Supporting a Racist loud
mouthed lying asshole who can’t
achieve nation wide support well
then fuck off. This isn’t a fucking
(FBI Knock Knock!)
joke people. Some Asshole called
Dan Bowman, Called for Hillary’s
“execution”. Welcome to The FBI
you Heeeeee-Haaaw Violent Fuck
This is Serious Shit folks. And we
can’t have this in our discourse at
all people. They are illegal Acts in
Spewing This “Abusive Hate”. It’s
against the law. Tomorrow is that
final circus shit show debate, and
ALL of America is looking forward
to being Done with 1 of the worst,
most disgusting Campaigns we’ve
ever seen in modern history. Sad!
NOTE: Shep Smith Comes Out As
Gay Is As Shockin’ As When Ricky
Martin Did. Yes We Already Knew
NOTE2: Evil Monster Starves And
Beats His 2 Year Old To Death Oh
Holy Shit, That Is, Pure Pure EVIL
UPDATE: Cubs Do Game 3 Tonite!
Have a day!