When a Reporter Sits down with
the Lying Bully Baby They Might
(We know)
want to Wear Fishing Waders for
all the bullshit they’re about 2 be
“Neck high” in. ABC’s David Muir
had to listen to Lies About “Voter
Fraud” that do NOT exist then he
had to Watch Trumpy lie about it
Again, Again & Again. Then came
“The Wall”. It’s Expected To Cost
us Between $12-26 Billion. And it
will paid for by US tax payers. He
(Trump Lies)
is claimin “But I’m just telling you
there’ll be a payment (by Mexico)
It will be in a form, and perhaps a
complicated form” Translation: “I
have no clue How/if they’re payin’
for it you dumb Fuckers!!”. This is
Uncharted Waters, For The POTUS
to be a lying bully moron who cuts
people off rejecting all reality. The
limitless Danger in any leader who
(Historically Hideous)
openly rejects reality favoring any
fantasy that pops into their tiny id
is terrifyin’. He has serious mental
issues, That Places Us All At “Risk”
NOTE :Â “Mary Tyler Moore” Passes
Away. RIP, She Was ‘A Great Actor’
NOTE II: Racist Bannon; Threatens
The Press To “Keep Its Mouth Shut”
This Is Fascist Germany 101 People
UPDATE : Trumper Suckers, You’re
“Paying” For The Wall You Morons!!
Have a day!