Trump has Now Nominated Neil
Gorsuch (Gore Such). So who is
(“Puckered Anus Face”?)
he? Well he’s great for religious
Republicans ‘agreeing’ with that
Hobby Lobby case. He is Pretty
much a Literal Constitutionalist
from The 1700’s. He’s So just a
polished Scalia. Ahem that isn’t
a good thing for America. Ohhh
NO!!! Oh and his mother nearly
ended the Entire EPA & Was So
fired; the sins of the mother are
(Scalia 2.NO)
not the his, but you see his Stiff
ideology in her Actions. But HE
also ruled against ALL Assisted
suicide; he’s a Teri Schivao pick
(never thought I’d bring that up
again) In 2014 Four States have
Legalized Assisted Suicide. And
Democrats will likely give the R
a nice taste of “Obstructionism”
that every “R” did for 8 straight
years. Since it’s 60 Votes they’ll
(We Know)
likely have a Good Shot At That
And things don’t look so good 4
Betsey DeVos. Two Republicans
went against her/if 1+ goes she
is Toast. And, With Elections All
comin’ up less Than 2 years you
can bet some’ll find Their Spine
So, if Mitchy ends filibuster and
then Republicans paved the way
(We Know)
for a Lifetime Of “Policy Throat”
ramming by Democrats when in
power Forever. Ooooooooooops
NOTE : Jon Was Back, Which Is
Good. But So Are ALL Voices To
Share In Opposin’ Unlawful Shit
Have a day!