If you caught the Oscars last night
you saw a bizarre Ending For sure
(What, what?!?!)
With Warren Beatty and one Faye
Dunaway said the wrong envelope
La La Land did not “Win” best film
That Would Be….Moonlight People
And Speaking of massive fuck ups
Trump ‘Skipped’ the White House
Correspondents Dinner. Meh, I do
not really care. It has always been
a Media Cozying up fest and he so
(Flame On!)
clearly hates them and all citizens
to grasp facts/reality. But now we
have Trump on tape sayin that he
“I Have Not Called Russia…in TEN
years”. Well, that will So be Super
easy to check and he will be lying
Oooooops He lied. Trumps Russia
Ties will likely be his Undoing But
Those Wheels, Were In Motion by
him since Day 1 people. Ooooops!
Dems DoubleDown On Dumb
The new DNC Chair is just as bad
as the corporatist whores they are
(Awww shit!)
They should have put in an actual
Progressive or Sanders Like chair
They have fucked it up badly here
and the optics are dreadful. Why?
This will Bite Them in Ass so Fast
NOTE : Trump Racists Graffitied
The “N – Word” On Their Garage
Door. The Victims, Left It Up, Til
Fucks Are Caught. BUT Now The
Stamford Police Are Fining Them
$100 Per Day To Remove It. This
Is Disgusting, The Neighbors Are
Purely Evil In Not Caring To Find
Out. They Know Exactly Who Did
It That Neighborhood’s Protectin’
The Racists, Period It’s Disgustin’
NOTE II : CPAC Trumper Morons
Wave And Hold Russian Flags To
Make Themselves Look Stupid!!!!
RIP: Bill “Chet” Paxon. He Passed
Away Due To Some ODD Surgery
Complications. Watch, The Movie,
Frailty. It Is An “Amazing” Flick!!!
Have a day!
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