The new TrumpCare bill is going
nowhere. It’s Simply a give away
to the top 1% at the expense of
all Poor, Sick And Elderly. FUCK
YOU!!!!!! What is the entire wire
tapping lies, TrumpCare and all
the other distraction are for one
reason alone. His Financial Ties
to Russia. The Walls are Closing
In, And He/Bannon Knows That
Speaking of Racist Hateful fucks
(We Know)
R-Steve “Bigot Boy” KKKing just
tweeted this bigoted gem. Oh my
how Do These Shit Stains on the
underwear of life eva get elected
Today, Republicans Have Simply
ALL Become The Villains in Films
Only Worse, Cause They Actually
HURT People, In The Real World
This Likely, Ends The Careers, of
most All People Standing with a
lying Orange anus POTUS. They
are Toast in The Midterms 2018
NOTE: Town Halls Are Exposing
Republicans, For The ‘Vindictive’
‘Hateful Lying Frauds’ They ARE
NOTE II : Republican Claims We
Should Put A Tax On The Sun?!?
UPDATE: Racist Ferguson Police
Department LIED Well Not Shit!
Brown, Was Doing, A Weed Deal
They Said, He Robbed The Store
Have a day!
November 17th, 2023 - 12:53 am
relaxing harp music