What if there was a world made solely (Yummmmmm) of Bacon. Bacon cars, Bacon clothes or Bacon TV’s Showing Bacon 24/7. Oooo I’d Love that. Only Two Citizens Would ever exist. Us and tons of Cardiologists NOTE : The Bears REACHED So Badly For, Mitch Trubisky. If He’s A ‘Dud’, It Costs Pace/Fox’s Jobs. Oooooooooops […]
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Spicer can’t name a single legislative Accomplishment For Trumpy. Mostly (<-Lying Machine) because he doesn’t have one. The big two things he’s done were by cheatin Gorsuch by going Nuclear & their AG in Sessions by Pence breaking the tie Now a judge slaps down orange anus yet Again. U.S. district Judge William Orrick ruled […]
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Michael Flynn committed a crime, Period Ya can’t take $ from Any Russian Leaders (Busted!) Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly stated it: “The form he had to fill out, specifically says You Must Answer Completely, And Truthfully. He Did Neither, & it was not complete and it wasn’t truthful so there is no question, about a […]
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All eyes are squarely on France these days. With “Female Trump” X’s 300 in (She’s racist evil) Le Pen versus average intelligent guy who is completely “Stable” in Macron It’s not Really A choice. It’s door One with racist insanity they can see in an Orange Anus Fucking Things up daily here. Or, Door “Two”: […]
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Trump has The LOWEST approval rating In ALL modern Presidential (Holy Fuck!) history. Let that, sink, in. Only 42% Approve of his job after 100 days & a massive 53% Do NOT Approve of his job. Holy shit, I guess when you a lying, racist ignorant child who is not fit 2 run a kids […]
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Pick a Friday to be “Fry Day”. We get how “bad” McDonald’s Fries are for You, but you Gotta cut (hellz yes!) Cut lose, Foot Loose Some Days. Today should be that day. Now Go Out And Fry It Up bitches Have a weekend!
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Go out and make your mark….or Bill, or Jeff or really Anyone’s Name will do. Ha! Have a great to all your wonderful readers. Rock on Have a day!
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Jon Ossoff didn’t get 51% of the vote He got 48%. That is very good, but it (Win in June!) signals A “DEEP” dislike for Trumpers If he’d Have won at 51%, it would’ve been more landmark. The fact he did not but only by 3% is the second best outcome. Look out Republicans in […]
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A Progressive democrat’s leading in the polls in Georgia today. As we all (Go get em!) know, that means nothing unless ya VOTE!!! This Special Election Has Us all Watching. If You are Down there, get out The VOTE for The Young Jon Ossoff Bernie Progressive. We, Don’t yet know If This Election Does Mean […]
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Protests Erupted, All Over the weekend of Citizens demanding the Orange anus (Release Them!) release this tax returns and that noose of Russian Financial/Campaign Ties are at A Fever Pitch. Impeachment is Likely when those Investigations conclude ace And 2 add insult to idiot douche Trump kid Donny Douche Jr. Who was Blasted for his […]
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