“His Total Ignorance On So Many issues”
Ohhhhhhh, there’s a ton more. Shit like
(Trumps nuts)
“His language level being roughly that of
a six to eighth grader…& probably on the
the slow end of that”. This is not just any
one. This was the Former legal council of
the White House Under Nixon John Dean
“Who knows what’s Going on in his brain
with these Attractions (to dictators)” and
“Selecting Andrew Jackson as his ‘idol’ is
bizarre. He(Jackson) is known by history
as the worst of all the original presidents”
(Dean Nixon Days)
Trump is so fucking dumb he thought the
Cold War, was “fought” in the Winter. He
thinks water isn’t wet, & Thinks Dictators
who “murder” their citizens are Awesome
Fucker doesn’t know anything! He stands
by his Insane Remarks on Jackson & gets
decimated by historic facts and all reality
NOTE : Trump Seeks ‘Evil’ 1st Amendment
‘Clamp Down’ With An Amendment To End
Freedom Of The Press. HOLY Fucking Shit!
The Supreme Court Would Stomp This Flat
NOTE II: Cop Must Be Charged For Murder
You Can Not, Just Empty A Gun Into A Car
Have a day!