Is the Big Jan Brady line these days
Instead Of Marsha, Marsha, Marsha
(We Know)
The intelligence community now has
“Specific, concrete and corroborative
evidence of Collusion.”. Oooooooops
There has Already been a major inter
-agency “investigation”. It found that
they Had “Evidence that the Kremlin
tried to help Trump Win the election”
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich
said there Was A, “Real And Growing
Possibility Trump’ll be impeached” &
he Shared The New Yorker Article on
Twitter, & The British GCHQ “Agrees”
They got ALL the Facts on this and it
ends trump/all his stooges who did it
That Just ‘Means’ Comey, The CIA, &
every other Agency is waiting to drop
These Bombs. Happy Mothers Day, &
Welcome, To “President”, Mike Pence
NOTE: David Axelrod Correctly Slaps
Clinton, On Her “Hideous” Campaign
“Comey Didn’t Tell Her Not To Go To
Wisconsin, Or Michigan”. BOOM!!!!!!!
NOTE II: 7 Bounty Hunters Shot At A
Car It Was A) The Wrong Car, & B) It
Was Death They Created. They’re All
Correctly Charged With Murder Good
UPDATE : Spicer, Doesn’t Know What
A “Wall” Is, And Trumpy Tries Health
Care ‘Fail’ For A Second Time. If They
Pass ‘Anything’ That Takes Voters Off
It, They Lose Their Mid Term Election!
Have a day!