6 Top US Intelligence Officials Told

Congress Thursday they agree with

(<-Wrong Don!)

the conclusion that Russia Acted to

influence last years election repeat


matter what The Orange Anus says

(Which Are Nothing But Mega Lies)

This, Ends Donald Drumpf. And He

did This ALL Himself. Well He Does

have others going down. It’s no 1’s

Fault, BUT, HIS, OWN. And, Who’ll

he Blame?! You can bet Obama, D’s

(We know)

Clinton, Fake News, Etc. So you can

say a lot of Shit About Trump & boy

I do. But, you Gotta Give him credit

AS The Quickest POTUS Ever to get

Impeached For Treason in Last 200

years. This Orange Anus thinks this

is some “reality TV game”. This is a

case of High Treason and Abuse the

likes of which the country has never


seen. EVER. And By The Time Cuffs

are Around his Fat wrists he’ll think:

“Ok, all the cameras are off, this was
some wild TV Right?! Why aren’t you
taking them off?!? What?!? Wait, this
isn’t just like everythin else in my life
by lying, Abusing, Cheating and usin’
my power to Destroy others?!?! I am
really in trouble now?! This can’t be!”

Being POTUS has Rules and no one

forced this Moron To Run for Office

He is not only ignorant, he thinks it

is a “game”. This is his entire life on

the line & Has no Clue how Bad it is

So this Quote from Oscar Wilde fits:

“The only thing that ever consoles man
for the stupid things he does is the praise
he always gives himself for doing them.”

NOTE: Sean Spicer Is Literally Hiding
In The Fucking Bushes Away From All
The Reporters Sayin’ “Turn The Lights
Off!”. Spicer, Went On For 10 Minutes
Of “I Don’t Know”. Then Spicer Madly
Demanded A Correction That He Was
NOT In The Bushes, He Was “Among”
Them. Ha Ha Ha Ha! He Is So Fucked

Have a day!

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