Mueller’s walls are closing in on Trump And His Fellow Treasonous Frauds Fast (“I’m coming!”) Mattis is ‘Pushing’ Back Against Chump hard On His Transgender Ban Hate and it shows. And what’s The Worst Shit we have to put up With? Fox Fake Assholes crying how hard It is Defending & being racist assholes’ well […]
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With Hurricane Harvey Flood waters all going down….Now The REAL work Does Childish Fraud) Begin. To Save, Help, Bury, and Rebuild Trump made This “Entire” Visit All about him. Not folks who need help. 15 people have Passed Away, While others are Just hoping for help. It’s called The Narcissist Personality Disorder. Period!!! A Fucking […]
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Trump Doesn’t Grasp what his Job Was supposed to be in Texas. He so Doesn’t (Playing Dressup) “get it”. He does not grasp the job and Most Importantly, Isn’t A Human Being He is, A Racist, lying, Hateful Narcissist incapable of Aid, Empathy, Or Care. He went There To Texas & Solely Claiming: “Thank You […]
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Trump, in His Nod to KKK Nazi Confederate racists, Pardoned Joe Arpaio (Forget He did (The Prick) It Incorrectly legally speaking) & racist idiot Gorka Is Gone. But Trump is Only about his own Hate Tweets, All while Texas drowns in A Coastal Area, Around Corpus Christi Texas Is Under Water, ‘All’ From Hurricane Harvey […]
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The Fantasy is that I Can Actually pick players (Boom!) who won’t shit the bed so badly….they’re all cut by week 2. I’m takin Walter Payton with my 1st pick. Wait, he’s passed away?!?!?!? SHIT! I lost Hope your drafts go well now go rock your days NOTE : Orange Anus Drumpf Has His Director […]
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The orange anus clown hits a new low (and sinkin farther & farther each day) (Asbestos Pants) It’s not just the lies, although he lies at a rate of 5.2 lies A DAY. He is the “best liar Ever!!!” (In Trumper Voice). His lies right now are at 1,057 in 200 days; the Ratio is […]
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The Duped, Ignorant, Deplorable, Suckers Who Were Stupid Enough To Attend Don’s (Another view) Hitler Not-Youth Rally got Their Red Meat of hate, Rambling ignorance, still standing up for his hateful Words on Charlottesville while Re-reading his Monday Statement & Totally IGNORING his Racist Tuesday one Forget he Already IS POTUS. And forget it was […]
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Trump is running scared. And he so should be. The Mueller Walls are all (<-Distract) closin’ in. His racist Remarks are not going away and so…pivot to the War in Afghanistan. In a Speech last nite, he read Generic Platitudes that clash With His Campaign Promises. Ha ha! He basically stated the exact thing as […]
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If you know 80’s songs you might Even Remember one Total Eclipse (No Shit) Of The Heart By Bonnie Tyler. And now With Trump Plummeting With every new poll & his support of all things White Supremacist; & firing Steve “bigot master” Bannon & the Failed ‘Racist Rally’ in Boston, This Lying Orange Anus is […]
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He claims he “left” but was really just forced Out. Down, Down, Down They (More coming) all Go. This Isn’t a Fucking game and they will all find this Out Shortly. It’s quite Insane They Think Quitting will save Them from All Of Mueller’s legal Charges Coming. Bannon, Will Be SO hauled in just as […]
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