How’s all of That Winning?!?! How do ya
feel today lower Working class Merica?!?
(Enjoy morons!)
Especially When you Will get A Nice Cool
check For Around $500 much later in the
Year That Was long Gone/Spent Before it
arrived?! And all At The Cost of a Tax Cut
for $1.5 Trillion all to Our National deficit
We Just All Repeated the Fucking W Bush
Tax Cuts ya Fucking MORONS!!! And Yet
in all this “Winning”, we Get A Bombshell
in the “Fusion GPS Transcript”….that was
(He Told It)
just Released to The Public AFTER ALL of
the Republicans Tried to block it. Oh it is
so over for their entire political party and
for aiding in this big charade it should be
We have Non-Partisan federal agencies &
all have Served us For Centuries trying to
Protect us all. And The 1st instinct of ALL
Republicans is to “Open fire on the Those
Messengers” from this Lunar Treasonous
corner. We do Not have a POTUS at all in
(So F’ed Up)
this country. We have a “Moron Of These
Un-United States” Today. And while he is
pure insanity, those around ALL enabling
him will all be, the most vilified in history
NOTE: Mueller Just Added A Cyber Crimes
Prosecutor To The Team Addin’ A Late Big
Wrinkle Their Net Already Has All It Wants
And, Is Now Getting WIDER. Ooooooooops
Have a day!