This Is Solely About DACA and “Shitholes”
and CHIP. They Are Doing This To try and
(Always R’S)
get Democrats to agree with all horrifically
unjust policies they never would. This isn’t
bipartisan. It’s Solely PARTISAN & By The
Republicans. So what’s in The Budget? Oh,
a Fucking Wall, Slashes The Budget killing
Off Much Needed Programs & Bloated Tax
cuts And ‘Bloating’ The Military even more”
The Reason Repubs, Who, Have Controlled
Congress for the last 8 Years added in Chip
was to use It to blame Democrats for never
voting for it with, “You Evil Jerks hurt kids”
They Are Basically Saying, “Go vote for this
poisoned budget which has over 100 things
only WE want and piles of PORK, then you
get CHIP….or we will blame you guys”. The
reason Republicans Never “Passed” a clean
CHIP bill, was to Use it As Bait; truly a pile
of Assholes. And how Fucking Dumb is Our
(“I’m Coming!”)
Orange Anus. Fucking Way Too Stupid For
his Own Bad. This Shit is Utterly Sickening
NOTE : The Only “Fake” Awards Trump Was
Able To Do, Was An Error Message Which Is
Pretty Fucking Fitting, For His Entire ‘Career’
Have a day!