Racists. Believe me! A racist lackey he
hired named Carl Higbie just Resigned
(<-Racist POS)
Oh, why is that you ask?!?!?! Well it is
all his extensive racist, homophobic &
overtly Nazi views. Such a charmer he
is…as is Gorka who also has An Arrest
warrant Out For Him in Hungry, Sarah
Fuckabee Sanders Jeffey Elf Sessions,
Bannon, and so Many Many Many More
While most all are gone save for Jeffey
(We Know)
It Tells You EXACTLY Who “He” Thinks
are “the best”. Oh overt hateful racists
There will be “more” of these out daily
NOTE : Trump, So Now Very Pro-Life Or
Only Pro-White Life. Forget He Isn’t The
Guy 4 Pro-Life At All. The Pussy Grabber
And Creep Means, They Are Not Pro-Life
Have a weekend!