Ohhhhh Boy, the Democrats Folded like
a Coked up Origami expert. It’s only for
3 weeks, they had to “Trust” McConnell
Which’s just Like “trusting” Lucy With A
Fucking Football if You’re Charlie Brown
The bill Would Extend Funding until Feb
8th…..then we’re right back in the same
fucking place. DACA was shelved so the
Republicans, Will Use DACA, To Execute
a more Racist hateful version since they
All Think, “Most Minority” Driven Places
(No Shit)
are all “shitholes”. So why did the dems
do this Hideous temp deal?!? Because it
Is In their Dumbass Pussy Nature. Booo
They’re “Worried” about any Vulnerable
seats In Red States. Guess What All The
fucking Republicans didn’t Care when it
Came To Doing ‘NOTHING’ Ever. Said It
before & I’ll say it Again. The Dem’s Are
simply “weak” suckers. Dreams are now
waiting Until Feb 8th to get Fucked over
(We Know)
by Racist Lying Asshole Republicans and
a Democratic Party Willing to Help Them
After one Year of Republicans controlling
all 3 Branches Of Government & We Get
Tax Cuts and a Shutdown. Bang up work
NOTE: Paul “Lying” Ryan Takes Koch Bro’s
Bribe, Of $500,000, For Passing Their TAX
CUTS. These People Are Simply Sociopaths
Until We Axe Citizens United, It Is All Legal
Have a day!